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Friday, November 19, 2010

Fat monkey from flipflops

If you’re like me, you’ve fantasized about making a giant, fat monkey out of flip flops several times in your life. Well, some students in Sao Paulo did just that.

Dutch artist Florentjin Hofman designed the structure, and the students involved in the project appropriately named it “Fat Monkey,” just in time for Pixelshow’s 2010 conference, which showcases art with a pixelated look. Students built the monkey’s body out of flip flops because the sandals are a long-standing trademark of Brazil.

 What a day for a day dream..what a day for a day-dreaming ape.
 Two young ladies massage the monkey’s arm.
 On-lookers stop to gaze at the structure. Some approach the monkey and drop bananas and fruit juice in its mouth.
 An aerial view of the monkey makes the structure look truly amazing.
An aerial view of the monkey makes the structure look truly amazing.


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